Update Purchase Orders in Bulk

Duoplane Retailer or Vendor accounts
Available on all plans

If you need to update several purchase orders at once, you can do so by uploading a spreadsheet.

File format

The upload file can be an Excel file (.xls or .xlsx), a CSV file, or a Google Spreadsheet.

If the file is a Google Spreadsheet, please make sure that its sharing permissions are set to allow either "Anyone with the link" to view the document, or you can explicitly share it with "support@duoplane.com".

The easiest way to create a template in the required format is to search for and download purchase orders from the PO search form (https://app.duoplane.com/purchase_orders).

The columns that are used in the update are:

Purchase order fields

Purchase Order ID

The unique internal ID for this purchase order.

Required unless Purchase order is provided.

To assign the item on this line to a new purchase order, set either the value of Purchase order or Purchase order ID to the word: new. If you are assigning items to a new PO, Order item ID is required. A new PO will be created for the vendor specified in the Vendor name column.

Purchase Order

The unique purchase order number assigned by Duoplane.

Required if Purchase order ID is omitted

To assign the item on this line to a new purchase order, set either the value of Purchase order or Purchase order ID to the word: new. If you are assigning items to a new PO, Order item ID is required. A new PO will be created for the vendor specified in the Vendor name column.

PO Confirmation Time Any non-blank value means that the purchase order receipt was confirmed by the vendor. If the purchase order had not been previously confirmed, the confirmation time will be set to the current time.
Promise Date

The date by which all items should ship. Note that if there are multiple items on a PO and item detail is not provided, all of the unfulfilled items will have their promise dates set to this date.1

If item-level detail is included on the CSV line (i.e. an Order item ID value), this date will be applied to the item only.

Vendor Reference

A reference for this purchase order in the vendor's internal system. For example, this might be the sales order number in the vendor's order entry system.

Vendor name

The name of the vendor (exactly as spelled in Duoplane) to whom you would like this purchase order assigned.

[This field can only be updated by the purchase order retailer.]

Hold Purchase Order Until

The time at which the purchase order will be eligible to be automatically sent to the vendor. If a PO hasn't been sent to a vendor yet, you can set this far in the future to prevent it from being sent automatically, or you can delete the value or set it in the past to trigger the PO to be sent during the next cycle.1

[This field can only be updated by the purchase order retailer.]

Send Now

Set this column to "1" to send this PO to the vendor. If a PO has been previously sent, Duoplane will resend the PO to the vendor.

[This field can only be updated by the purchase order retailer.]

Item fields

Order Item ID

The unique internal ID for this item.

Required to make item-level edits.

Item Cost Each The wholesale cost of the item.
Promise date The date by which this item should ship.1
Vendor SKU

The Vendor SKU of this item.

[This field can only be updated by the purchase order retailer.]

Item Name

The name of the item as it appears on the purchase order.

[This field can only be updated by the purchase order retailer.]


1 To be certain that dates and times are interpreted correctly, all dates and times should be in ISO 8601 format with time zone designation. While other common formats are understood and can be parsed, using non-ISO formats may result in an incorrect interpretation of the date or time.

Bulk upload process

To bulk-update purchase orders:

  1. Search for and download the purchase orders that you want to update. (https://app.duoplane.com/purchase_orders)
    1. If you are updating item-level details (such as wholesale costs), download the CSV with item detail.
  2. Edit the spreadsheet file.
    1. Extra columns will be ignored, so you can leave the file in the same format as the one downloaded in Step 1.
    2. You only need to include the columns for the information that you are actively updating. For example, if you are only confirming purchase orders, you can only include the columns "Purchase Order" and "PO Confirmation Time". Either "Purchase Order" or "Purchase Order ID" is always required.
  3. Upload the edited file on this page: https://app.duoplane.com/purchase_order_imports/new