Configure a PO CSV File

Drop ship vendors and warehouses can receive purchase orders from Duoplane as a file with comma-separated values (CSV file). This CSV file can be easily opened in any spreadsheet program or can be imported directly into many shipping and warehouse management systems.

The format of the CSV file can be easily customized for each supplier.

Where to edit the CSV purchase order configuration

If you are logged in as a retailer

  1. Search for the vendor
  2. On the vendor profile page, find the section called Purchase order preferences and click Edit.

If you are logged in as a vendor

  1. Go to your main settings menu.
  2. Click on the Order Processing menu item.


Configuration options

Enable or disable the CSV file

To enable the delivery of CSV files, set the field Receive POs as CSV files? to YES.

To disable it, set the field to NO.

CSV file settings

Number of files

Purchase order CSVs can be delivered as a single file or as two files (one header file and one detail file).

  • Single CSV file: If sent as a single file, one item is listed per line. For purchase orders with multiple line items, the purchase order fields (PO number, shipping address, etc.) are repeated for each item.
  • Header and a detail CSV files: If sent as two files, first first file (the "header" file) will contain that overall purchase order information, such as shipping address, PO date, and shipping method. Each line in the header file is one purchase order. The second file (the "detail" file) will contain a line for each item.

Whether to include column headings

If set to YES, the CSV file(s) will contain column headings in the first line. Column headings and the order of columns can be customized as outlined below.

Line endings

Depending on the operating system of the computer that will open or import this CSV file, you may need to change the line endings. We would recommend keeping this blank unless you are having trouble with the CSV lines not breaking as expected (e.g. if they all run together as a single line).

CSV file columns

You can customize the content of the CSV by deciding:

  1. The order of the columns in the file
  2. Whether certain information should be included or omitted
  3. The name of the column heading (if you choose to include headings in your file)

How to customize the order of columns

To re-order the columns, drag and drop the fields so that they appear on the screen in the desired order. Use the handle () in the far left column (under the heading) of the configuration area to grab the field and drag it to a new location.

How to customize what information is included

To include information in the CSV file, set the toggle in the Include field in file? column to YES

How to customize the column headings

CSV column headings will default to what appears under the Field name column of the configuration area. To override those default names, add your new column name in the Custom column heading input field. For example, you can use this to change the default "Purchase Order" to "po_number" in your CSV file.



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