Automate Duoplane to Read Tracking From an Email

Duoplane Retailer accounts
Available on all plans

You can use Duoplane to automatically read data from the body or attachment of an email message. This can be used to allow suppliers to send an email to Duoplane and then import any information in that email into Duoplane to provide shipment and/or update inventory information. 

Duoplane cannot process data from an attached PDF or Word document.

Configuring the vendor’s feed

To start you can navigate to the vendor you want to setup, then click edit on the data feed you would like to configure.


Once you are on the appropriate data feed you can select:

File format: Unstructured text

Protocol: Email (inbound)

If you want the data to read from an email attachment you will need to set “Process email attachments to Yes. If you want to read from the body of the email leave this set to No. You will also be provided with the email address that the vendor will need to direct the email to. Additionally you can set permitted sending email addresses of the file.


Setting the file column mapping

Once you have the remote file access configured you will then need to set the File column mapping. Duoplane uses regular expressions to extract data from emails or email attachments. If you need assistance setting these up you can contact us.


Setting up a shipment feed to read a UPS tracking notification email

To setup a vendor’s shipment feed to process from a standard UPS tracking notification email you can follow the steps above and enter the following regular expressions in the File column mapping fields:

\W* = zero or more non-word characters (not a letter or number)
\w+ = one or more word characters
.* = zero or more of any character
$ = end of line

Purchase order: Reference Number 1:\W*(\w+.*)$


For the carrier you can click the “Transform imported data” dropdown and enter “UPS” in the Transformation template field. This will indicate on all shipments sent to via this method for this supplier that UPS is the carrier.



Tracking numbers: Tracking Number:\W*(\w+.*)$

Vendor invoice number: Invoice Number:\W*(\w+.*)$

If you have multiple suppliers using UPS you can create and utilize a vendor template for all of those suppliers.


Setting up a shipment feed to read a FedEx tracking notification email

To setup a vendor’s shipment feed to process from a standard FedEx tracking notification email you can follow the steps above and enter the following regular expressions in the File column mapping fields:

\W* = zero or more non-word characters (not a letter or number)
\w+ = one or more word characters
.* = zero or more of any character
$ = end of line

Purchase order: Purchase order number:\W*(\w+.*)$


For the carrier you can click the “Transform imported data” dropdown and enter “FedEx” in the Transformation template field. This will indicate on all shipments sent to via this method for this supplier that UPS is the carrier.


Tracking numbers: Tracking number:\W*(\w+.*)$

Vendor invoice number: Invoice number:\W*(\w+.*)$
If you have multiple suppliers using UPS you can create and utilize a vendor template for those suppliers.