How to Change Purchase Order File Format and Numbering

Duoplane Retailer accounts
Available on all plans

Customizing the file format and naming convention of your purchase orders allows you to establish an organized, consistent system that aligns with your vendors' processes. This article will show you how to do both.

Choose the default file format

  1. Login to your Duoplane retailer account
  2. Navigate to Settings > Order Processing
  3. Set the default file format using the dropdown menu options: PDF, CSV, or none
  4. Click "Save"

The setting above is a simplified default that can be set across your account. There are many other options for purchase order file format besides PDF and CSV which are available on a vendor level in each vendor's purchase order preferences.

Choose the purchase order naming and numbering convention

  1. Login to your Duoplane retailer account
  2. Navigate to Settings > Order Processing
  3. In the "PO numbering" dropdown you can select one of two options:
    • Numeric:  A unique number will be assigned to each PO
      Example: Order 1001 could have purchase orders 5001 and 5002
    • Order number with suffix:  The PO number is based on the associated sales order number
      Example: Order 1001 could have purchase orders 1001-1 and 1001-2
  4. Click "Save"

Changing this setting only affects future purchase orders

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