Prices aren't updating from my eCommerce platform (BigCommerce) to Duoplane Answered
The product price on BigCommerce is not reflected on Duoplane across, some of them are showing a different price, or old price, on Duoplane after we had updated BigCommerce
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Duoplane only makes a change in our system when we are notified by your ecommerce platform via webhook. When certain changes are made, like an inventory adjustment or an order is placed, we get a webhook from BigCommerce telling us that there is an update, and we change the record in our software to reflect that.
Some changes, like prices with BigCommerce specifically, don't send us a webhook so we are not notified there is a different value to show. This is likely the reason why there is a price discrepancy and why it only adjusts after you manually click the "re-import" button on the product page.
for each SKU, then we can run this through Duoplane to update that way.Please sign in to leave a comment.