Download CSV or PDF Copies of Orders

Duoplane Retailer and Vendor accounts
Available on all plans

As a vendor, there might be a time you want to run through a list of all open orders in spreadsheet form (e.g. a CSV). In Duoplane this can be done quickly and easily by taking the following steps:


Download a CSV or PDF

  1. In your Duoplane Vendor account, press the button that says Orders under the Main Menu
  2. From the Orders dashboard, you can use any of the quick links like "new purchase orders", "open purchase orders", "new shipments" or, on the left sidebar menu "late orders"
  3. Select one of these options that matches what you're looking for, and click Downloads when the page loads
  4. ALTERNATIVELY: instead of using a preset to pull up orders, you can pull up a report with orders that have specific criteria (like a date range) by using Search Orders and continuing the following steps
  5. Select PDF (copies of the POs in PDF form) or CSV (spreadsheet) for the file type
  6. Select the format to be by purchase order or by item