Reference: Liquid Filters and Operators

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The Liquid templating language offers a number of standard filters and comparison operators for customizing the output of Liquid templates. In addition to the standard filters and operators, Duoplane has added several custom ones to make working with Liquid more powerful and convenient.

Filters: Strings


Creates a fixed-width version of the string. Arguments:

  1. The width of the output
  2. The padding character (default = " ")
  3. Whether the original string should be aligned on the left or right
Input: {{ "1234" | fixed_width: 10, "0", "right" }}
Output: 0000001234


Replaces every occurrence of the first argument in a string with the second argument. Unlike the standard filter replace, this filter uses a regular expression match against the first argument. Arguments:

  1. The regular expression matcher
  2. The replacement text
  3. Optional: Whether the match is case-sensitive (Default = false)
Input: {{ "ABC12345EFG" | replace_regex: "[^\d]", "" }}
Output: 12345


Replaces every newline / line break / carriage return character with the second argument. Arguments:

  1. The replacement text (Default = " ")

For example, if "description" is a string with a line break, such as:


Nice to meet you
Input: {{ description | replace_newlines: " " }}
Output: Hello, Nice to meet you


Replaces non-ASCII characters with an ASCII approximation, or if none exists, a replacement character. Arguments:

Input: {{ "Jérôme" | transliterate }}
Output: Jerome

Specify the replacement character if an ASCII approximation is not available. In the below example, the template translates any emoji or unrecognized character to the specified character ("X"):

Input: {{ "Jérôme 😊" | transliterate: 'X'  }}
Output: Jerome X


Escapes any characters in the string so that the string can be used in XML

Input: {{ 'how "are" <you>' | xml_escape }}
Output: how &quot;are&quot; &lt;you&gt;

Filters: Arrays


Appends the argument to the end of the array. If my_list is an array of: ["apples", "oranges"]

Input: {{ my_list | append: "bananas" | join: ", " }}
Output: apples, oranges, bananas

Filters: Numbers


Rounds a number to a given precision.

Input: {{ 50.9634 | with_precision: 2 }}
Output: 50.96


Formats a number as currency Arguments:

  1. The precision (default = 2)
  2. Currency symbol (default = "")
  3. Separator between the units (default = ".")
  4. Thousands delimiter (default = ",")
Input: {{ 123456.54321 | to_currency: 2, "$" }}
Output: $123,456.54

Filters: dates and times


Adds a certain number of hours to a starting time If an order was created on Jan 1, 2020 at 12:00pm UTC:

Input: {{ order.created_at | plus_hours: 2 }}
Output: 2020-01-01 14:00:00 UTC


Adds a certain number of business hours to a starting time. Business time is defined as Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm. Arguments:

  1. The number of business hours to add
  2. The time zone for determining business hours

If an order was created on March 7, 2020 at 9:00pm PST: (a Saturday)

Input: {{ order.created_at | plus_business_hours: 2, "Pacific Time (US & Canada)" }}
Output: 2020-03-09 11:00:00 -0700


Converts a time to be outputted in a specific time zone. Arguments:

  1. The time zone

If an order was created at 1:00pm Pacific:

Input: {{ order.created_at | in_time_zone: "Eastern Time (US & Canada)" | date: "%H:%M" }}
Output: 16:00


Uses natural language parsing to convert a string representation of a date or time to a Time object that can be used by Liquid. Arguments:

  1. A date or time string

If today is Monday:

Input: {{ "yesterday" | parse_time | date: "%a" }}
Output: Sun

Filters: Other


Converts a JSON string into a Liquid object that can be used elsewhere in the template

Input: {% assign mapping = '{ "color": "blue", "size": 5 }' | json_parse %}{{ mapping["color"] }}
Output: blue


Outputs a barcode representation of a string as an SVG image tag Arguments:

  1. The barcode height in pixels (default = 50)
  2. The barcode thickness in pixels (default = 1)
Input: {{ "0123456789" | to_barcode }}
Output: blobid1.dat



Checks for whether the left side matches the right side after the right side is converted to a case-insensitive regular expression.

Input: {% if "UPS Ground" matches "^UPS.*$" %}It is UPS.{% endif %}
Output: It is UPS.