Reference: Liquid Template Objects and Placeholders

Duoplane Retailer accounts
Available on all plans

Duoplane uses Liquid to allow customized documents, data files, and other user-defined dynamically generated content.

Please refer to the official Liquid documentation for details on how to use Liquid.

Below is a list of available template objects and their placeholders / variables:



An address, such as a shipping or billing address of an order, or the address of a vendor or retailer.

full_name The first and last name of the address
first_name First name
last_name Last name
company_name Company
address_1 Address line 1
address_2 Address line 2
city City
province State or province. Depending on the ecommerce platform from where the address came, this could be the complete name or abbreviation.
province_iso The ISO 3166-2 code for the state or province
province_name The full name of the state or province
post_code Zip or postal code
country Country name. Depending on the ecommerce platform from where the address came, this could be the complete name or abbreviation.
country_iso2 The 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the country
country_name The full name of the country
phone Phone number
fax Fax number
email Email address



A message linked to another object.

body The message body
commenter_company The company whose user created the comment.
recipient_company If the comment was intended as a message for another company (like on a comment on an order_item), the name of the company to whom the message was written.



Either a vendor or a retailer.

name Company name
address Reference to the address object of the company's main address

Reference to the address object of the company's address for returns.

If a return address is not set up for a company, the main address is used.



A sales order from an ecommerce channel.

id The unique numeric ID assigned by Duoplane to this order
public_reference The order number as provided by the ecommerce channel
shipping_address Reference to the address object of the order's shipping address
billing_address Reference to the address object of the order's billing address
retailer Reference to the company object of the order's retailer
store Reference to the store object of the order's ecommerce channel
ordered_at The time at which the order was placed
order_items An array of order_item objects referencing the items on the order
customer_note Text provided by the ecommerce channel of an order note written by the customer
order_notes An array of order_note objects referencing any order-level notes provided by the ecommerce channel

This order's order_notes expressed as a hash (set of key / value pairs), where the title is the key and the body is the value.

For example, if an order_note object has the title "Gift Wrap" and body "Yes", the Liquid template {{ order.order_note['Gift Wrap'] }} would render: Yes


If the ecommerce channel supports the tagging of orders, this is an array of order tags.

This is blank if tag importing is not enabled on your account.

store_payment_status The text of the payment status for the order, as provided by the ecommerce channel
ship_method The text of the selected shipping service level, as provided by the ecommerce channel
ok_to_process A boolean value that is false if the order is on hold and true otherwise
total_item_price The item subtotal on the order, before any discounts. This is calculated as the sum of the [price] x [quantity] for each line item.
total_shipping_revenue The shipping fee collected from the end customer
order_level_discount Order-level discount applied on this order. This does not include any discounts that were applied to specific line items.
total_discount Total discount applied on this order, including any discounts that were applied to specific line items.
item_weight_in_grams Weight of all items in grams
item_weight_in_ounces Weight of all items in ounces



A line item on a sales order or purchase order.

id The unique numeric ID assigned by Duoplane to this order_item
order Reference to the order object of the line item's order
purchase_order Reference to the purchase_order object of the line item's purchase order
name Name of the item
vendor_sku Vendor SKU of the item
retailer_sku Retailer SKU of the item
upc UPC of the item's product
purchase_order_name Name of the item as it appears on purchase orders
quantity Quantity purchased
quantity_open Quantity pending fulfillment
price The retail price of the item on its sales order
cost The wholesale cost of the item on its associated purchase order
discount_each Retail discount given per unit. This includes both the item-level discount as well as a pro rata allocation of any order-level discount.
item_level_discount_each Retail discount that was specifically applied to this item. This value does not include any order-level discounts.
tax_each Per-unit tax for the line item.
tax_amount Tax for the line item. Note that this is the total tax for the line item, not a per-unit value.

For unfulfilled items, this is the expected ship date.

The value is blank for items that have been fulfilled.

line_item_number Sequence number of this item on its purchase order. (For example, "2" for the second item on the PO.)
order_item_notes An array of order_item_note objects referencing any item-level notes provided by the ecommerce channel
order_item_note This item's order_item_notes expressed as a hash (set of key / value pairs), where the title is the key and the body is the value.

For example, if an order_item_note object has the title "Initials" and body "ABC", the Liquid template {{ order_item.order_item_note['Initials'] }} would render: ABC
weight_each_in_grams Weight of each unit in grams
weight_each_in_ounces Weight of each unit in ounces
retailer_product Reference to the product object of the item's underlying product
image_url If provided by the ecommerce channel, a URL for an image of this item
retailer_purchase_order_comments An array of comment objects referencing the item-level messages written by the item retailer to the item vendor
vendor_purchase_order_comments An array of comment objects referencing the item-level messages written by the item vendor to the item retailer
all_purchase_order_comments An array of comment objects referencing the item-level messages written by either the item vendor or the item retailer
order_item_parent If this order_item is the component of a bundle, this is a reference to the bundle parent order_item object
order_item_children If this order_item is a bundle, this is an array of the bundle component order_item objects



A note or other additional data attached to an order item.

title The title or key of the note
body The body or value of the note



A note or other additional data attached to a sales order.

title The title or key of the note
body The body or value of the note



A record of the return of items on an order.

address_text Plain text version of the full address to which this order should be returned
rma_number The auto-assigned RMA number for this return
vendor_rma The corresponding RMA number of this return in the vendor's record
destination_company The company object listed as the "Return destination" of the order record
order The order object representing the original sales order of this return
purchase_order The purchase_order object representing the vendor purchase order linked to the items on this return. The purchase_order will only be present if all of the items on the return were on the same purchase order.
order_return_items An array of order_return_item objects, each representing an item that is either expected or was received on this return



A record of the items on a return.

order_item The order_item object linked to this item
quantity_received The quantity received of this item
quantity_expected The quantity expected of this item



A product in the ecommerce catalog.

name Product name
vendor_sku Vendor SKU
retailer_sku Retailer SKU
price Retail price
cost Wholesale cost
price_msrp Manufacturer's Suggested Retailer Price
price_map Minimum Advertised Price
upc Universal Product Code
mpn Manufacturer's Part Number
other_barcode Other product identifier
description Product description
custom_text_1 Custom text field for products
custom_text_2 Custom text field for products
custom_text_3 Custom text field for products
product_inventories An array of product_inventory objects representing the inventory sources for this product



An inventory record for a product from a single supplier. A single product can have multiple inventory records.

vendor_id The Duoplane-generated unique ID of the vendor
vendor_sku Vendor SKU
cost Wholesale cost
purchase_name The name of the product as it is known to this vendor
quantity_available Quantity available of this item at this vendor



An object representing the date by which an item should ship before it is considered late.

promise_date The expected ship date
order_item Reference to the order_item object to which this promise date applies
previous_promise_date Reference to the most recent promise_date object that existed before this current promise_date. This would only exist if there has been at least one promise date change for this particular order_item.



An order placed by the retailer with the vendor,

id The unique numeric ID assigned by Duoplane to this purchase_order
public_reference The purchase order number
shipping_address Reference to the address object of the purchase order's shipping address
retailer_name The name of the PO retailer
retailer_id The Duoplane-generated unique ID of the PO retailer
retailer Reference to the company object of the purchase order's retailer
vendor_name The name of the PO vendor
vendor_id The Duoplane-generated unique ID of the PO vendor
vendor Reference to the company object of the purchase order's vendor
created_at The time at which the PO was created
retailer_account_reference The account number of the retailer in the vendor's records
order Reference to the order object of the purchase order's sales order
store Reference to the store object of the purchase order's ecommerce channel
ship_method The shipping service method as it appears on the associated sales order.
ship_method_for_vendor The shipping service level of this PO after applying any vendor translations to the ship_method from the associated sales order.

Text provided by the ecommerce channel of an order note written by the customer.

This is blank if the retailer has not enabled customer notes to appear on purchase orders.


Text provided by the ecommerce channel of a gift note on the order.

This is blank if the retailer has not enabled customer notes to appear on purchase orders.

order_items An array of order_item objects referencing the items on the order.
promise_date_cache Date by which this order should ship.
item_quantity_cache Total quantity of items on this PO
item_count_cache Total count of unique lines items on this PO
total_price The total retail price of all items on this PO
total_shipping_revenue The shipping fee collected from the end customer for items on this PO
The sales discount given to end customer for items on this PO
total_cost The total wholesale cost of all items on this PO
item_weight_in_grams Weight of all items in grams
item_weight_in_ounces Weight of all items in ounces
sent_at The time at which the PO was sent
to_text A plain text version of the entire PO



A relationship between a retailer and a vendor.

id The unique numeric ID assigned by Duoplane to this retail_relationship
retailer Reference to the company object of the retailer
vendor Reference to the company object of the vendor
retailer_account_reference The account number of the retailer in the vendor's systems



A shipment of items.

id The unique numeric ID assigned by Duoplane to this shipment
purchase_order Reference to the purchase_order object for the purchase order linked to this shipment.
shipment_items An array of shipment_item objects referencing the items on the shipment
shipper_name The name of the carrier for this shipment
shipped_at The time at which the shipment was created
tracking_number_array An array of tracking numbers for this shipment
total_shipping_revenue The shipping fee collected from the end customer for items on this shipment
order_previous_shipments An array of shipment objects for any shipments that were previously created for this shipment's order.
purchase_order_previous_shipments An array of shipment objects for any shipments that were previously created for this shipment's purchase order.
vendor_invoice_item_subtotal The total wholesale cost of the line items of this shipment.



An item on a shipment.

id The unique numeric ID assigned by Duoplane to this shipment
order_item Reference to the order_item object linked to this shipment_item.
quantity The quantity shipped on the shipment
serial_codes An array of serial numbers for this shipment_item



An ecommerce channel

id The unique numeric ID assigned by Duoplane to this store
name The name of the ecommerce store
print_logo_url URL of the print logo uploaded into Duoplane for this store. If there is no store-level logo, this will be the URL of the company-level logo.