Learn More: Inventory Management

Duoplane Retailer and Vendor accounts
Available on all plans

Duoplane's inventory management tools allow you to:

  • Track product availability information for items that you keep in stock
  • Keep up to date on vendor inventory for drop shipped products
  • Sync inventory information across your ecommerce channels

Inventory management options


Global inventory tracking

Global inventory settings are set here: https://app.duoplane.com/company/inventory_settings

Track inventory

Yes = Duoplane will decrement inventory quantities as items are sold and increment quantities if items are canceled or if the associated vendor changes for an order item.

No = Inventory quantities remain static unless they are explicitly changed.

Product level inventory information and settings



The supplier or warehouse who keeps the inventory.

Vendor SKU


The unique identifier that this inventory item's vendor uses to identify this product.

The vendor SKU appears on purchase orders. Duoplane also uses the vendor SKU to match products in vendor inventory feeds.

Track quantity?


Do you track specific inventory levels for this product? If set to "Yes", you will be asked to specify the quantity available. If set to "No", the product will always be considered "in stock". 

Quantity available


If you do track inventory, the number of items currently available for sale.

Leadtime days


The number of days between when an order is placed with the vendor and when you expect the item to ship. A default value can be set at the vendor level. Use this field only to override the vendor default.

This is used to calculate the "promise date" of this item on a specific order.

Backorder date


For out-of-stock item, the date on which you expect the item to be back in stock.

Along with the "leadtime days" value, this is used to calculate the "promise date" of this item on a specific order.  

Inventory sync with ecommerce channels

Options. For each product listed in your ecommerce channel(s), you can choose one of the following inventory sync options:

  • Duoplane writes to the channel
  • Duoplane reads from the channel
  • No syncing

Store default with product overrides. These options can be set at a store (channel) level and then overridden at either the vendor or the individual product level.

Automatic or manual. You can set syncing to be automatic or manual. If automatic, Duoplane will run your sync instructions approximately every 5 minutes.

For more information on inventory syncing, please see this article.


How to update inventory information within Duoplane

There are 3 ways to update product inventory information in Duoplane:

  1. In the product record: If you are updating just one or a few products, the easiest way is to navigate to each product's record and update the availability information for each product individually.
  2. Through an import file: If you are updating a large number of items, use a product import to make the updates using a CSV fie or Excel spreadsheet
  3. Via a vendor inventory feed: Duoplane can also read inventory information directly from a drop ship vendor or third-party warehouse inventory feed. Click here to read more about syncing supplier inventory data.