How to Delete All Data Related to a Customer

As a store owner, you might experience a customer reaching out to you requesting all traces of their personal information be wiped from your records; this would include your store, Duoplane, your vendor's history, etc. Retailers in the UK might know this as GDPR's Right to Erasure (or "right to be forgotten").

This article will show you how to remove all customer data if you are using Shopify or BigCommerce as your ecommerce platform, and subsequently remove from Duoplane.


How to remove customer data in Shopify

The deletion request should be processed in Shopify first, then Shopify will transmit the request to all apps you had/have installed at the time the customer's data was used, including Duoplane.

Steps for how to do this are maintained in Shopify's article here >> Processing GDPR data requests


How to remove customer data in BigCommerce

Deleting customer data from the BigCommerce control panel's Customer Management area will push those changes to Duoplane which will subsequently remove the data there as well. You can also edit or delete an order to anonymize the personal information associated with it, like the customer’s name, email address, and billing/shipping addresses.

There is more information about CCPA and GDPR compliance in BigCommerce in their article here >> Implementing CCPA with BigCommerce

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