Standardize Shipping Values by Adding Find/Replace Logic

In this article you will learn how to convert values and names of shipping services as they appear in your ecommerce platform to something else that your vendor may more easily recognize in their POs.

Why change shipping values?

When an end customer chooses a shipping service level in your ecommerce channel (e.g. "Free shipping"), that value might not mean anything to a vendor. Or a vendor might require a very specific code to process the order.

For example, "Standard Shipping" might appear on purchase orders as the description of a specific service ("UPS Ground") or a code ("UPSG").


Change values using find/replace

Note: This can be done either on a global level or a vendor level; both options are outlined below. 

'Find' values can be regular expressions and are case-insensitive. Rules are processed in the order shown (i.e. if you have two translations that match in a single shipment, the second translation will be applied).

Global level

  1. In your Duoplane Retailer account, go to Settings > Order Processing
  2. Navigate to the "Shipping service translations" section of the settings
  3. Write the expressions you wish to find and replace in their respective fields


Vendor level

  1. In your Duoplane Retailer account, go to the Vendors directory
  2. Find the vendor you'd like to edit and click the Details button
  3. Locate the Purchase order preferences section and click Edit
  4. Navigate to the "Shipping service translations" section of the settings
  5. Write the expressions you wish to find and replace in their respective fields




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